
贵州统计年鉴 20112025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载

贵州统计年鉴 2011
  • 陶谋立,朱新武主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国统计出版社
  • ISBN:9787503763236
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:601页
  • 文件大小:243MB
  • 文件页数:644页
  • 主题词:统计资料-贵州省-2011-年鉴


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一 综合 General Survey2

1-1 行政区划 (2010)Divisions of Administrative Areas2

1-2 地、县名称 (2010)Name of Each Prefecture and County3

1-3 社会经济主要指标 Major Social and Economic Indicators4

1-4 社会经济主要指标结构 Composition Indicators on National Economic and Social Development12

1-5 社会经济主要指标比例、效益 Major Indicators on Proportions and Efficiency in Economic Social Development15

1-6 贵州社会经济主要指标占全国比重 Proportion of Guizhou’s Main Economic and Social Indicators to the Whole Country18

1-7 各时期生产总值 Gross Domestic Product by Period20

1-8 各时期投资 Investment by Period21

1-9 各时期内外贸易 Domestic and Foreign Trade by Period22

1-10 各时期财政、税收 Financial Revenue and Expenditure by Period23

1-11 各时期人民生活 People’Living Condition by Period24

1-12 各时期旅游总人数、旅游总收入 Number of Turists and Turism Earning of Each Period24

1-13 各时期农业 Agriculture by Period25

1-14 各时期交通、邮电 Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services by Period26

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators28

二 国民经济核算 National Accounts35

2-1 全省生产总值 Gross Domestic Product35

2-2 全省生产总值构成 Composition of Gross Domestic Product36

2-3 全省生产总值(按支出法计算) Gross Domestic Product(Accounted by Expenditure Approach)37

2-4 三次产业对全省生产总值增长的拉动 Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to GDP Growth38

2-5 三次产业贡献率 Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of the GDP38

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators39

三 人口 Population47

3-1 常住人口(半年口径) Permanent Resident Population(at least half a year)47

3-2 第六次人口普查主要指标 Basic Statistics on the Sixth National Population Census48

3-3 户籍人口 Household Registered Population49

3-4 计划生育 Family Planning49

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators50

四 就业人员和职工工资 Employment and Wages55

4-1 就业人员及劳动报酬 Number of Employed Personnels and Wages55

4-2 城镇单位就业人员变动(2010) Changes of Employment in Urban Units56

4-3 城镇单位就业人员年末人数(2010) Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end57

4-4 城镇单位女性就业人员年末人数(2010) Number of Employed Female in Urban Units at Year-end by Sector58

4-5 各行业年末在岗职工人数(2010) Working Staff and Workers by Sector59

4-6 各行业职工中专业技术人员数(2010) Number of Specialized Technical Personnel by Sector60

4-7 在岗职工工资总额(2010) Total Wages Bill of Working Staff and Workers61

4-8 各行业在岗职工平均工资(2010) Average Wage of Working Staff and Workers by Sector62

4-9 城乡私营企业户数和就业人员(2010) Number of Private Enterprises and Employed Persons in Urban and Rural Areas by Sector63

4-10 城乡个体工商户数和就业人员(2010) Number of Household and Self-Employed Individuals in Urban and Rural Areas by Sector64

4-11 城镇新就业人数和失业人数 Number of Newly Employed Persons and Unemployed Persons in Urban Areas65

4-12 劳动力市场需求人员、求职人员及构成 Components of Persons Required by Labor Market and Applying for a Job66

4-13 下岗失业人员享受再就业优惠政策情况 Statistics of Re-employment Preferential Policies for Laid-off Workers67

4-14 大学、技工学校毕业生就业情况 Statistics on Employment of Graduates from Technical Schools, Colleges and Universities68

4-15 职业技能鉴定 Occupation Skill Appraisal68

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators69

五 固定资产投资 Investment in Fixed Assets74

5-1 全社会固定资产投资 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the whole Province74

5-2 全社会固定资产投资资金来源 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the whole Province by Source of Funds75

5-3 全社会工业投资 Industry Investment in the Whole Province76

5-4 城镇固定资产投资 Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area77

5-5 按行业、隶属关系和注册类型分城镇固定资产投资(2010) Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Sector, Jurisdiction of Management and Registration Status78

5-6 农村固定资产投资 Investments in Fixed Assets in Rural Areas80

5-7 农村固定资产投资(按国民经济行业分)(2010) Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Rural Area(Grouped by Sector)81

5-8 基本建设投资(按隶属关系分)(2010) Investment in Capital Construction(Jurisdiction of Management)82

5-9 基本建设主要指标(按国民经济行业分)(2010) Investment in Capital Construction by Sector83

5-10 更新改造投资(按隶属关系分)(2010) Investment in Innovation(Jurisdiction of Management)85

5-11 更新改造主要指标(按国民经济行业分)(2010) Major Indicators on Investment in Innovation by Sector86

5-12 固定资产投资新增主要生产能力(2010) Newly Increased Production Capacity through Capital Construction and Innovation88

5-13 按行业分城镇50万元以上施工、竣工项目个数(2010) Number of Construction Projects over 500 Thousand Yuan under Construction and Projects Completed in Urban Area by Sector89

5-14 房地产开发投资主要指标 Main Indicator on Real Estate Development91

5-15 房地产开发企业(2010) Real Estate Development Enterprises92

5-16商品房屋销售面积(2010) Floor Space of Commercialized Buildings94

5-17 商品房屋销售额(2010) Total Sale of Commercialized Buildings95

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators96

六 对外经济贸易 Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation107

6-1 进出口总额 Total Value of Imports and Exports107

6-2 按地区分的出口商品总额 Foreign Export Trade with Related Countries(Territories)107

6-3 按地区分的进口商品总额 Foreign Import Trade with Related Countries(Territories)107

6-4 海关出口商品分类 Value of Export Commodities by Category108

6-5 海关进口商品分类 Value of Import Commodities by Category110

6-6 利用外资 Foreign Capital Absorbed111

6-7 外商直接投资按行业分项目个数 Number of Projects for Contracted Foreign Direct Investment by Sector112

6-8 按行业分外商直接投资协议金额 Agreement Value of Foreign Direct Investment by Sector112

6-9 按行业分外商实际直接投资额 Actually Used Amount of Foreign Direct Investment by Sector113

6-10 对外经济合作 Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Territories113

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators114

七 能源 Energy119

7-1 能源生产、消费总量及构成 Total Production and Consumption of Energy and Its Composition119

7-2 综合能源平衡表 Overall Energy Balance120

7-3 煤炭平衡表 Coal Balance Sheet121

7-4 电力平衡表 Electricity Balance Sheet122

7-5 分行业能源消费总量 Basic Statistics on Energy Consumption by Sector123

7-6 能源生产消费弹性系数 Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production and Consumption125

7-7 生活能源消费量 Energy Consumption for Non-Production Purpose125

7-8 人均生活能源消费量 Per Capita Annual Average Energy Consumption for Non-Production Purpose126

7-9 能源利用效率 Using Efficiency of Energy126

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators127

八 财政税收 Government Finance and Taxation133

8-1 财政收入 Financial Revenue133

8-2 财政支出 Financial Expenditure134

8-3 分级一般预算收入(2010) Local Government Financial Revenue by Level135

8-4 分级一般预算支出(2010) Local Financial Expenditure by Level135

8-5 税收收入(按产业分) Tax Revenue(by Industry)136

8-6 税收收入(按企业类型分) Taxation Revenue (by Business Entities)137

8-7 国税税收收入(按产业分) National Tax Revenue(by Industry)138

8-8 地方系统税收收入(按产业分) Local Tax Revenue(by Industry)139

8-9 国税税收收入(按企业类型分) National Taxation Revenue(by Business Entities)140

8-10 地方系统税收收入(按企业类型分) Local Taxation Revenue(by Business Entities)141

8-11 国家税收收入(分行业、分税种)(2010) Taxation Revenue of the Central Government(By Industrial Sector and Taxation Category)142

8-12 地方系统税收收入(分行业、分税种)(2010) Taxation Revenue of the Local Government(By Industrial Sector and Taxation Category)148

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators150

九 价格指数 Price Indices155

9-1 居民消费价格分类指数 Consumer Price Indices by Category155

9-2 商品零售价格分类指数 Retail Price Indices by Category158

9-3 工业品出厂价格分类指数 Ex-Factory Price Indices of Industrial Products by Gategory159

9-4 原材料、燃料、动力购进价格指数 Indices of Purchasing Prices of Raw Materials, Fuels and Power161

9-5 农业生产资料价格分类指数 Price Indices of Means of Agricultural Production by Category161

9-6 固定资产投资和房地产销售价格指数 Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets and Real Estate162

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators163

十 人民生活 People's Living Conditions166

10-1 城乡人民生活水平 People's Livelihood in Urban and Rural Areas166

10-2 城镇居民家庭生活基本情况 Basic Conditions of Urban Households Life168

10-3 城镇居民家庭人均现金收支 Per Capita Annual Cash Inlome and Expenditure of Urban Households169

10-4 城镇居民家庭人均消费性支出 Per Capita Annual Consumption Expenditure of Urban Household170

10-5 城镇居民家庭人均购买主要商品数量 Per Capita Annual Purchases of Major Commodities of Urban Househoulds171

10-6 每百户城镇居民家庭耐用消费品拥有量 Number of Major Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households171

10-7 按收入等级分城镇居民家庭收入、消费情况(2010) Statistics of Income and Consumption of Urban Househoulds by Level of Income172

10-8 农村居民家庭生活基本情况 Basic Conditions of Rural Households Life174

10-9 农村居民家庭人均年纯收入 Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households175

10-10 农村居民家庭人均年总支出 Per Capita Annual Gross Expenditures of Rural Households176

10-11 农村居民家庭人均年现金收入 Per Capita Annual Cash Income of Rural Households177

10-12 农村居民家庭人均年现金支出 Per Capita Annual Cash Expenditures of Rural Households178

10-13 农村居民家庭经营情况 Statistics of Household Operations in Rural Households178

10-14 农村居民家庭每人主要消费品消费量 Per Capita Annual Consumption of Major Consumer Goods in Rural Households179

10-15 每百户农村居民家庭年末耐用消费品拥有量 Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned By Per 100 Rural Households at the Year-end179

10-16 按收入五等份分农村居民家庭收入、消费情况(2010) Income and Consumption of Rural Househoulds by Income Quintile180

10-17 农村居民家庭人均经营费用和生产性固定资产购置 Per Capita Expenditure for Household Operations and Expenditure for Purchasing Productive Fixed Assets of Rural Households181

10-18 农村居民家庭主要产品商品率 Commodity Rate of Major Agricultural Products in Rural Households182

10-19 农村居民人均粮食收支存 Per Capita Grain Income,Expense and Stock of Rural Households183

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators184

十一 城市概况 General Survey of Cities191

11-1 城市公用事业 Basic Statistics on City Public Utilities191

11-2 城市气象(2010) Climate of Major Cities193

11-3 主要城市平均气温(2010) Monthly Average Temperature of Major Cities193

11-4 城市建设(2010) Basic Statistics on City Construction194

11-5 城市设施水平(2010) Basic Statistics on Level of Public Facilities in Cities194

11-6 城市供水(2010) Basic Statistics on Tap Water Supply in Cities195

11-7 城市燃气(2010) Basic Statistics on Supply of Gas in Cities195

11-8 城市市政设施(2010) Statistics on Municipal Infrastructure in Cities196

11-9 城市绿地和园林(2010) Basic Statistics on Parks and Green Areas in Cities196

11-10 城市市容环境卫生(2010) Basic Statistics on Urban Sanitation in Cities197

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators198

十二 资源和环境 Resources and Environment203

12-1 主要河流(省内部分)主要特征值(2010) Major Feature of Some Part of The Main River203

12-2 主要矿产资源(2010) Major Mineral Resources204

12-3 森林资源 Forest Resources205

12-4 自然保护区 Natural Reserves206

12-5 森林公园 Forest Parks206

12-6 水资源和水质监测 Basic Statistics on Water Resource and Monitoring of Water Quality207

12-7 环保系统机构、人员数 Enviornmental Protection Agencies and Persons Engaged208

12-8 环境保护资金投入 Investment in Environmental Protection208

12-9 废水治理 Waste Water Treatment209

12-10 空气质量及污染治理 Air Quality and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas210

12-11 固体废物生产及处理 Production and Treatment of Industrial Solid Wastes212

12-12 环境污染事故 Accident of Environment Pollution213

12-13 自然灾害 Natural Disasters213

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators214

十三 农业 Agriculture225

13-1 农村基本情况及农业生产条件 Basic Conditions of Rural Areas and Agricultural Production225

13-2 年末主要农业机械拥有量 Major Agricultural Machinery at the Year-end226

13-3 灌溉、除涝治水 Irrigation, Flood Prevention, Water and Soil Conservation226

13-4 农林牧渔业总产值、增加值 Gross Output Value and Value-Added of Fanning, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Their Services227

13-5 农林牧渔业总产值 Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Their Services228

13-6 主要农作物播种面积 Sown Areas of Major Farm Crops229

13-7 主要农作物产品产量 Yield of Major Farm Crops230

13-8 主要农作物单产 Yield of Major Farm Crops Per Mu230

13-9 茶叶、水果面积及产量 Total Sown Areas and Yield of Tea,Fruit231

13-10 造林及林产品产量 Areas of Forestation and Output of Forest Products231

13-11 畜牧业生产及水产品 Basic Statistics on Livestock and Aquatic Products232

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators233

十四 工业 Industry238

14-1 规模以上工业企业单位数 Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size238

14-2 按行业分规模以上工业企业单位数 Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Sector239

14-3 规模以上工业增加值 Value-added of Industry above Designated Size241

14-4 按行业分规模以上工业增加值 Value-added of Industry above Designated Size by Sector242

14-5 规模以上工业总产值 Gross Output Value of Industry above Designated Size244

14-6 按行业分规模以上工业总产值 Gross Output Value of Industry above Designated Size by Sector245

14-7 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 Major Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size247

14-8 大中型工业企业主要经济指标 Major Economic Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises248

14-9 主要工业产品产量 Output of Major Industrial Products249

14-10 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2010) Main Econornic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size250

14-11 规模以上工业企业分行业主要经济指标(2010) Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Sector252

14-12 规模以上国有控股工业企业主要经济指标(2010) Major Economic Indicators of State-controlled Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size256

14-13 规模以上集体工业企业主要经济指标(2010) Main Economic Indicators of All Collective-owned Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size260

14-14 规模以上外商投资和港澳台投资工业企业主要经济指标(2010) Major Economic Indicators of all above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises Funded by Foreigners and Hong kong,Macao and Taiwan264

14-15 规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标(2010) Main Indicators on Economic Efficiency of all Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size268

14-16 规模以上国有控股工业企业主要经济效益指标(2010) Major Indicators on Economic Efficiency of State-controlled Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size270

14-17 规模以上集体工业企业主要经济效益指标(2010) Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Collective-owned Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size272

14-18 大中型工业企业主要经济指标占全省规模以上工业比重(2010) Percentages of Main Indicators of Large and Medium Industrial Enterprises as the whole Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size273

14-19 规模以上大中型工业企业分行业主要经济指标(2010) Main Indicators on Economic of Large and Medium Industrial Enterprises by Sector274

14-20 规模以上工业销售产值(2010) Industrial Sales Output Value276

14-21 规模以上工业主要产品产量、销售量和产销率(2010) Sales Volume of Major Industrial Products and Proportion of Products Sold277

14-22 高技术产业基本情况 Basic Statistics on High-tech Industry279

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators280

十五 建筑业 Construction291

15-1 建筑业主要指标 Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises291

15-2 建筑业企业主要生产指标(2010) Main Production Indicators on Construction Enterprises292

15-3 建筑业企业主要财务指标(2010) Main Financial Indicators of Construction Enterprises294

15-4 建筑业企业房屋建筑(2010) Basic Statistics on House Buildings by Construction Enterprises296

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators298

十六 运输和邮电 Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services303

16-1 境内运输线路长度 Length of Transport Routes303

16-2 民用航空运输 Civil Aviation304

16-3 民用汽车拥有量 Possession of Civil Vehicles304

16-4 旅客运量及周转量 Passenger Traffic and Passenger-Kilometers305

16-5 货物运输量及周转量 Freight Traffic and Ton-Kilometers305

16-6 电信主要指标 Major Indicators of Telecommunications306

16-7 邮政主要指标 Major Indicators of Post307

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators308

十七 批发和零售业 Wholesale and Retail Trades313

17-1 限额以上批发业和零售业 Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade Services313

17-2 限额以上批发业企业(2010) Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale Trade314

17-3 限额以上批发业企业主要财务指标(2010) Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale Trade318

17-4 限额以上零售业企业(2010) Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Retail Sales320

17-5 限额以上零售业企业主要财务指标(2010) Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Retail Trade324

17-6 商品交易市场 Commodity Exchange Markets326

17-7 社会消费品零售总额 Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods326

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators327

十八 住宿、餐饮业和旅游业 Hotel, Catering Services and Tourism333

18-1 限额以上住宿业和餐饮业 Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Hotels and Catering Services333

18-2 限额以上住宿业企业(2010) Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Hotel Services334

18-3 限额以上餐饮业企业(2010) Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Catering Services336

18-4 旅游业主要指标 Basic Statistics on Development of Tourism338

18-5 来黔境外旅游人数及人均消费支出 Number of Overseas Tourists Visiting Guizhou and Average Per Capita Spending339

18-6 接待外国旅游人数(按地区分) Number of Overseas Tourists Visiting Guizhou(by Country/Territory)339

18-7 旅游外汇收入 Foreign Exchange Earnings340

18-8 旅馆业接待经营 Operation of Hotels341

18-9 星级饭店 Star-rated Hotels341

18-10 风景名胜区 Scenic Spots342

18-11 全国重点文物保护单位 Historical and Cultrual Relics under Key Protection344

18-12 星级饭店 Star-rated Hotels345

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators352

十九 金融业 Financial Intermediation357

19-1 金融机构存贷款余额 Total Deposits and Total Loans of Financial Institutions357

19-2 金融机构现金收入 Cash Income of Financial Institutions358

19-3 金融机构现金支出 Cash Expenditures of Financial Institutions358

19-4 保险系统机构数 Number of Institutions in Insurance System359

19-5 保险系统职工人数 Number of Employed Persons in Insurance System359

19-6 财产保险公司业务 Major Business Indicators of Property Insurance Companies360

19-7 财产保险主要指标(2010) Major Indicators on Property Insurance361

19-8 人寿保险公司业务 Major Business Indicators of Life Insurance Companies362

19-9 人寿保险主要指标(2010) Major Indicators on Life Insurance363

19-10 贵州上市公司股票发行情况(A股)(2010) Summary List of Stocks Publicly Issued by Guizhou Enterprises(A Shares)364

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators366

二十 教育和科技 Education, Science and Technology371

20-1 各级各类学校数 Number of Schools by Level and Type371

20-2 各级各类学校专任教师数 Number of Full-time Teachers by Level and Type of School372

20-3 各级各类学校招生数 Number of New Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School373

20-4 各级各类学校在校生数 Number of Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School374

20-5 各级各类学校毕业生数 Number of Graduates by Level and Type of School375

20-6 教师职称 Technical Rank of Teachers376

20-7 各级学校女学生和女教师数 Female Students and Teachers by Level and Type of School377

20-8 各级学校师生比 Student-Teacher Ratio by Level of School378

20-9 各级各类学校学生入学率 Enrollment Rate by Level and Type of School378

20-10 普通高等学校(2010) Basic Statistics on Regular Institutions of Higher Education379

20-11 普通高等学校分科专任教师数和学生数(2010) Number of Full-time Teachers and Students in Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study379

20-12 研究生数 Number of Postgraduates379

20-13 中等职业学校(机构)数(2010) Number of Secondary Vocational Schools380

20-14 中等职业学校(2010) Basic Statistics on Vocational Secondary Education380

20-15 中等职业学校(机构)学生分科类情况(2010) Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study381

20-16 技工学校(2010) Statistics on Technical Schools382

20-17 职业初中(2010) Statistics on Vocational Junior Secondary Schools382

20-18 民族教育 Minority Nationality Education383

20-19 民办教育 Private Education384

20-20 成人教育 Adult Education385

20-21 科技活动 Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities386

20-22 研究与试验发展(R&D)活动 Basic Statistics on Scientific Research and Development387

20-23 大中型工业企业科技活动 Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises388

20-24 政府属独立研究与开发机构科技活动 Scientific and Technological Activities of Government-affiliated Independent Research Institutions389

20-25 民营科技 Scientific and Technological Research Activities of Non-state-owned Economy391

20-26 国家级科技计划项目人员 Personnel of National S&T Program Projects392

20-27 国家级科技计划项目资金及支出 Funds and Expenditure of National S&T Program393

20-28 国家级科技计划项目培养和引进人才 Cultivated and Introduced Talents of National S&T Program394

20-29 国家级科技计划实施项目效益 Benefit of National S&T Program394

20-30 省部级以上成果登记(完成人员) Staffs Personnel of Provincial or Ministerial Level and above395

20-31 省部级以上成果登记(数量及投资额) Number of Achievements and Investment of Projects at Provincial or Ministerial Level and above(number & investment)396

20-32 事业、企业单位各类专业技术人员 Specialized Technical Personnel in Enterprises and institutions397

20-33 专利申请受理及授权 Patent Application Accepted and Granted398

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators399

二十一 文化、体育和卫生 Culture, Sports and Public Health407

21-1 文化事业机构和人员 Number of Institutions and Personnel in Cultural Industry407

21-2 文化事业单位数 Basic Statistics on Culture Establishment408

21-3 文化娱乐业(2010) Culture and Entertainment Industry408

21-4 文化部门艺术剧团(2010) Art Troupes of Culture Sector409

21-5 艺术表演场所(2010) Art Preformances Places409

21-6 群众艺术馆和文化馆(站)(2010) Mass Art Centers and Culture Centers(Stations)410

21-7 博物馆免费开放情况 Statistics on Free Museums410

21-8 广播、电视 Radio and Television Industry411

21-9 广播、电视节目播出时间(2010) Broadcasting Hours of Radio and Television Programs412

21-10 图书出版 Number of Books Published412

21-11 杂志出版 Number of Magazines Published413

21-12 报纸出版 Number of Newspaper Published413

21-13 报纸分类出版数量(2010) Number of Newspaper Published by Category413

21-14 体育运动员 Athletes414

21-15 体育运动获奖 Medals Won by Guizhou Athletes in Domestic and International Competitions414

21-16 公共体育场地 Number of Public Stadiums and Gymnasiums415

21-17 群众体育活动 Activities of Mass Sports415

21-18 卫生事业 Health Care416

21-19 卫生机构、床位、人员数(2010) Number of Health Institutions, Beds and Personnels417

21-20 卫生防疫防治和妇幼卫生事业 Sanitation and Epidemic Prevention,Maternity and Child Care418

21-21 县及县以上医院、卫生院(2010) Basic Statistics on Hospitals and Health Centers at County Level and above419

21-22 县、乡、村三级医疗、预防、保健 Health Organization at County,Town and Village Level420

21-23 28种传染病报告发病及死亡人数(2010) List of 28 Infectious Diseases Reported and Number of Death422

21-24 28 种传染病报告发病率、死亡率及病死率(2010) List of Incidence,Death and Mortality Rates of 28 Infectious Disease Reported423

21-25 监测地区5岁以下儿童和孕产妇死亡率 Mortality Rate of the Maternal and Children Aged under 5 in Surveillance Areas424

21-26 新型农村合作医疗 Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System424

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators425

二十二 社会服务及其他 Social Services and Others431

22-1 律师、公证、调解工作 Basic Statistics on Lawyers,Notarization and Mediation431

22-2 国内公证文书分类 Domestic Notarial Documents by Type433

22-3 消费者协会受理投诉 Cases Accepted and Heard by Consumer Association434

22-4 检察院主要业务 Cases of Procuratorate435

22-5 人民法院刑事一审案件收案 First Trail Criminal Cases Accepted by Courts435

22-6 人民法院刑事一审案件结案 First Trail Criminal Cases Settled by Courts436

22-7 人民法院刑事案件中青少年犯罪 Juvenile Delinquency Among Criminal Cases436

22-8 生产安全 Production Safety437

22-9 火灾(2010) Fire Accidents438

22-10 交通事故(2010) Traffic Accidents438

22-11 社会保险 Social Insurance439

22-12 社会服务及设施和民政事业发展主要指标 Main Indicators of Social Services & Facilities and Civil Administration Career Development440

22-13 社会福利机构 Social Welfare Institutions and Enterprises440

22-14 社会福利机构工作人员 Staff Employed by Social welfare Institutions and Enterprises441

22-15 社会福利救济主要支出 Major Expenditures of Welfare Relief Funds441

22-16 享受补助、救济人员 Persons Receiving Subsidies and Relief Funds442

22-17 享受国家定期抚恤、补助、救济人员数 Persons Receiving Regular Subsidy and Commiseration of Country442

22-18 婚姻 Marriages and Divorces443

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators444

二十三 非公有制经济 Non-public Sectors of the Economy452

23-1 非公有制经济生产总值 Value-added of Non-public-owned Economic Unit452

23-2 非公有制经济生产总值比重 Value-added of Non-public-owned Economic Unit as Percentage to GDP452

23-3 全社会非公有制经济完成投资额 Investment of Non-public-owned Economic Unit in the Whole Province453

23-4 规模以上非公有制经济工业企业主要经济指标(2010) Main Economic Indicators of Non-public-owned above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises454

23-5 资质以上非公有制经济建筑企业主要经济指标(2010) Main Economic Indicators of Non-public-owned above Designated Size Construction Enterprises458

23-6 限额以上非公有制经济批发零售企业主要经济指标(2010) Main Economic Indicators of Non-public-owned Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trade460

23-7 限额以上非公有制经济住宿餐饮企业主要经济指标(2010) Main Economic Indicators of Non-public-owned Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering and Quartering Services464

二十四 民族自治地方 Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas468

24-1 民族自治地方行政区划(2010) Administrative Division of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas468

24-2 少数民族分布 Geographic Distribution of Minority Nationalities468

24-3 民族自治地方基本情况(2010) Basic Conditions of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas469

24-4 民族自治地方经济社会主要指标 Major Social and Economic Indicators of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas470

24-5 民族自治地方经济发展主要指标(2010) Major Economic Indicators of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas472

24-6 民族自治地方社会发展主要指标(2010) Major Indicators on Social Development of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas474

24-7 少数民族教育(2010) Education of Minority Nationality475

24-8 民族自治地方财政一般预算收入(2010) Total Financial Revenue of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas475

24-9 民族自治地方财政一般预算支出(2010) Total Financial Expenditure of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas476

24-10 民族自治州经济发展主要指标(2010) Major Indicators on Economic Development of Minority Nationality Autonomous States477

24-11 民族自治州社会发展主要指标(2010) Major Indicators on Social Development of Minority Nationality Autonomous State479

24-12 民族自治县经济发展主要指标(2010) Major Indicators on Economic Development of Minority Nationality Autonomous Counties480

24-13 民族自治县社会发展主要指标(2010) Major Indicators on Social Development of Minority Nationality Autonomous Counties484

二十五 经济强县 Economically Strong Counties489

25-1 经济强县主要指标(一)(2010) Major Indicators of Economically Strong County(1)489

25-2 经济强县主要指标(二)(2010) Major Indicators of Economically Strong County(2)490

二十六 扶贫与开发 Anti-poverty and Development493

26-1 扶贫开发重点县主要经济指标占全省比重(2010) Major Economic Indicators of Basilic County of Anti-poverty and Development and Its Percentage to Provincial Total493

26-2 贫困人口及发生率(2010) Number of Poverty Population and it’s Arisen Rate494

26-3 扶贫开发重点县主要经济指标(2010) Major Economic Indicators on Basilic county of Anti-poverty and Development496

二十七 地县资料 Main Statistics of Prefecturesand Counties502

27-1 各市(州、地)生产总值及构成(2010) Gross Domestic Product and Its Composition by Region502

27-2 各市(州、地)年末常住人口 Permanent Residents by Region503

27-3 各市(州、地)第六次人口普查主要指标 Basic Statistics on the sixth National Population Census by Region503

27-4 各市(州、地)户籍人口 Permanent Population by Region504

27-5 各市(州、地)在岗职工人数、年平均工资(2010) Number of Staff and Workers and Their Annual Average Wages by Region505

27-6 各市(州、地)城镇固定资产投资(2010) Urban Investment in Fixed Assets by Region506

27-7 各市(州、地)按构成和建设性质分城镇固定资产投资(2010) Total Investment in Fixed Assets in each City(State,Prefecture)by Composition of Funds and Type of Construction507

27-8 各市(州、地)能源利用效率(2010) Basic Statistics on Energy Consumption by Region508

27-9 各市(州、地)财政一般预算收入(2010) Total Local Government Budgetary Revenue by Region509

27-10 各市(州、地)财政一般预算支出(2010) Total Local Government Budgetary Expenditure by Region509

27-11 各市(州、地)税收收入 Taxation Revenue by region510

27-12 各市(州、地)所在城市分类价格指数 Urban Residents Consumer Price Indices of Major Cities by Region510

27-13 各市(州、地)所在城市城镇居民家庭人均年收支(2010) Per Capital Annual Disposable Income and Expenditure of Urban Households of Major Cities511

27-14 各市(州、地)农村居民家庭人均年收支(2010) Per Capita Net Income and Living Expenditure of Rural Households by Region511

27-15 各市(州、地)常用耕地面积(2010) Cultivated Area by Region512

27-16 各市(州、地)乡村就业人员数(2010) Rural Employment by Region512

27-17 各市(州、地)农业机械总动力及拥有量(2010) Total Power and Possession of Agricultural Machinery by Region513

27-18 各市(州、地)农林牧渔业总产值(2010) Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry, Animal Husbandary, Fishery and Their Services by Region513

27-19 各市(州、地)农用化肥施用量(2010) Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers for Agricultural Use by Region514

27-20 各市(州、地)主要农作物播种面积(2010) Sown Areas of Major Farm Crops by Region514

27-21 各市(州、地)主要农产品产量(2010) Output of Major Farm Crops by Region515

27-22 各市(州、地)牲畜出、存栏量(2010) Amount of Livcstocks in Hand and Slaughtered by Region515

27-23 各市(州、地)主要畜产品、水产品产量(2010) Output of Major Livestock Products and Aquatic Products by Region516

27-24 各市(州、地)主要林产品产量(2010) Output of Major Forestry Products by Region516

27-25 各市(州、地)规模以上工业增加值(2010) Total Gross Industrial Value-added above Designated Size by Region517

27-26 各市(州、地)规模以上工业企业主要工业产品产量(2010) Ouput of Major Industrial Products above Designated Size by Region517

27-27 各市(州、地)公路里程(2010) Length of Highways by Region518

27-28 各市(州、地)邮政主要指标(2010) Major Indicators of Post by Region518

27-29 各市(州、地)电信主要指标(2010) Major Indicators of Telecommunications by Region519

27-30 各市(州、地)社会消费品零售总额(2010) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Region519

27-31 各市(州、地)金融机构人民币存贷款余额(2010) Saving Deposits and Loans Balance of Financial Institutions by Region520

27-32 各市(州、地)教育事业主要指标(2010) Major Indicators of Education by Region520

27-33 各市(州、地)卫生人员数(2010) Number of Employed Persons in Health Care Institutions by Region521

27-34 各市(州、地)每千人口拥有卫生技术人员数(2010) Medical Technical Personnel in Health Care Institutions per 1000 Persons by Region521

27-35 各市(州、地)医院服务情况(2010) Services in Hospitals by Region522

27-36 各市(州、地)社区卫生服务中心(站)医疗服务情况(2010) Medical Services of Community Health Service Centers(Stations)by Region522

27-37 各市(州、地)农村乡镇卫生院医疗服务情况(2010) Situations of Medical Services in Township Health Centers by Region523

27-38 各市(州、地)火灾(2010)Fires by Region523

27-39 各县(市、区、特区)生产总值(2010) Gross Domestic Product by County(City,District,Special region)524

27-40 各县(市、区、特区)人均生产总值(2010) Per Capita Gross Domestic Product by County(City, District,Special region)526

27-41 各县(市、区、特区)年末常住人口(2010) Permanent Population at Year-end by County(City, District, Special region)527

27-42 各县(市、区、特区)第六次人口普查常住人口(2010) Major Indicators of Permanent Residents by County(City,District, Special region)528

27-43 各县(市、区、特区)固定资产投资(2010) Investment in Fixed Assets by County(City,District,Special region)529

27-44 各县(市、区、特区)财政一般预算收入(2010) Total Local Government Budgetary Revenue and by County(City,District,Special region)531

27-45 各县(市、区、特区)财政一般预算支出(2010) Total Local Government Budgetary Expenditure by County(City,District,Special region)533

27-46 各县(市、区、特区)农民人均纯收入(2010) Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by County(City,District,Special region)535

27-47 各县(市、区、特区)乡村就业人员(2010) Number of Rural Employment by County(City,District,Special region)536

27-48 各县(市、区、特区)常用耕地面积(2010) Cultivated Areas for Frequently Use by County(City,District,Special region)538

27-49 各县(市、区、特区)农林牧渔业总产值(2010) Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery and Its Order by County(City,District,Special region)540

27-50 各县(市、区、特区)粮食、肉类产量(2010) Output of Grain, Meat and Its Order by County(City,Section,Special region)542

27-51 各县(市、区、特区)油菜籽、烤烟产量(2010) Output of Rapeseed and Flue-cured Tobacco and Its Order by County(City,District,Special region)544

27-52 各县(市、区、特区)规模以上工业增加值(2010) Value-added of Industry above Designated Size and Its Order by County(City,District,Special region)546

27-53 各县(市、区、特区)社会消费品零售总额(2010) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by County(City,District,Special Region)548

27-54 各县(市、区、特区)金融机构人民币存贷款余额(2010) Urban and Rural Resident Savings Deposit Balance and Its Order by County(City,District,Special region)550

27-55 各县(市、区、特区)普通中学(2010) Statistics on Regular Secondary Schools by County552

27-56 各县(市、区、特区)小学(2010) Statistics on Primary Schools by County556

二十八 全国各省(区、市)资料 Main Statistics of Provinces(autonomous regions,municipalities)in the Whole Country560

28-1 全国及各省(区、市)人口、生产总值(2010) The Population and GDP of the Whole Country and All Provinces560

28-2 全国及各省(区、市)投资、房地产(2010) The Investment and Real Estate of the Whole Country and All Province562

28-3 全国及各省(区、市)进出口(2010) Imports and Exports of the Whole Country and All Provinces564

28-4 全国及各省(区、市)主要农产品产量(2010) The Output of Main Agricultural Products of the Whole Country and All Provinces565

28-5 全国及各省(区、市)主要工业产品产量(2010) The Output of Main Industrial Products of the Whole Country and All Provinces566

28-6 全国及各省(区、市)贸易和旅游(2010) The Trade and Tourism of the Whole Country and All Provinces568

二十九 历年资料 Historical Statistics571

29-1 全省生产总值 Gross Domestic Product571

29-2 全省生产总值指数(上年=100) Indices of Gross Domestic Produc(tPreceding year=100)572

29-3 全省生产总值指数(1978=100) Indices of Gross Domestic Produc(tyear of 1978=100)573

29-4 年末常住人口 Permanent Population at the year-end574

29-5 人口自然变动 Natural Change of Population575

29-6 户籍人口 Household Registered Population576

29-7 就业人员 Employed Persons577

29-8 职工人数 Number of Staff and Workers578

29-9 职工平均工资 Average Wage of Staff and Workers579

29-10 全社会固定资产投资 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Province580

29-11 财政收支 Financial Revenue and Expenditure581

29-12 人民生活 People's Living Conditions582

29-13 农林牧渔业总产值 Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery584

29-14 农林牧渔业总产值指数(上年=100) Indices of Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery(preceding year=100)585

29-15 农林牧渔业总产值指数(1978=100) Indices of Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery(year of 1978=100)586

29-16 主要农产品产量 Output of Major Farm Crops587

29-17 工业总产值 Gross Output Value of Industry588

29-18 工业增加值 Value-added of Industry589

29-19 工业增加值指数(上年=100) Indices of Value-added of Industry(preceding year-100)589

29-20 规模以上工业主要经济指标 Major Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size590

29-21 主要工业产品产量591

29-22 建筑企业总产值和房屋建筑面积 Gross Output Value of Construction and Floor Space of Building592

29-23 交通运输 Transportation593

29-24 旅客周转量和货物周转量 Passenger-kilometers and Freight Ton-kilometers594

29-25 内外贸易 Domestic Trade,Foreign Tade and Economic Cooperation595

29-26 旅游 Tourism596

29-27 金融机构存贷款余额 Saving Deposits and Loans Balance of Financial Institutions597

29-28 教育 Education598

29-29 卫生 Health Care600
