
- 王砚宁,顾军,张郁主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:学苑出版社
- ISBN:7507708829
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:288页
- 文件大小:179MB
- 文件页数:302页
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病毒性皮肤病 Diseases Caused by Virus1
带状疱疹 herpes zoster1
传染性软疣 molluscum contagiosum2
鲍温病样丘疹病 Bowenoid papulosis6
球菌性皮肤病 Diseases Caused by Coccobacteria9
毛囊炎 folliculitis9
丹毒 erysipelas11
蜂窝织炎 cellulitis13
增殖性皮炎 dermatitis vegetans14
坏死性筋膜炎 necrotizing fascitis14
下疳型脓皮病 chancriform pyoderma16
坏疽性龟头炎 gangrenous balanitis16
化脓性汗腺炎 hidradenitis suppurativa17
前庭大腺炎 bartholinitis19
阴茎脓肿 abscess of penis20
Reiter 病 Reiter s disease21
杆菌性皮肤病 Diseases Caused by Bacillus23
急性女阴溃疡 ulcus vulvae acutum23
糜烂性包皮龟头炎 erosive balanoposthitis25
糜烂性女阴炎 erosive vulvitis26
腋毛棒状杆菌病 corynebacteriasis axillaris27
棒状杆菌癣样红斑 dermatomycoid erythema corynebacteris27
阴茎结核疹 penis tuberculid29
股癣 tinea cruris31
腔口皮肤结核 tuberculosis cutis orificialis31
真菌性皮肤病 Diseases Caused by Fungi31
阴茎癣 tinea of the penis33
阴囊癣 tinea of the scrotum34
念珠菌性包皮龟头炎 candidal balanoposthitis35
念珠菌性外阴阴道炎 candidal vulvovaginitis37
念珠菌性间擦疹 candidal intertrigo39
婴儿泛发性念珠菌病 infant generalized culaneous candidiasis40
念珠菌性肉芽肿 candidal granuloma41
皮肤毛霉菌病 mucormycosis cutis42
组织胞浆菌病 histoplasmosis42
阴虱病 pubic phthiriasis44
寄生虫、昆虫及动物性皮肤病 Diseases Due to Animals and parasites44
疥疮 scabies45
皮肤腭口虫病 gnathostomiasis cutis48
阿米巴性龟头炎 amoebic balanitis49
水蛭咬伤 leech bite50
血吸虫皮炎 dermatitis schistosome50
恙螨皮炎 trombidiosis51
滴虫性龟头炎 trichomonal balanitis52
阴道滴虫病 trichomoniasis vaginalis53
物理性皮肤病 Dermatoses Due to Physical Factors54
擦烂 intertrigo54
尿布皮炎 diaper dermatitis55
褥疮 decubital ulcer56
脓疱性粟粒疹 miliaria pustular57
皮炎及湿疹 Dermatitis and Eczema59
接触性皮炎 contact dermatitis59
女阴湿疹 eczema of the vulvae61
阴囊湿疹 eczema of scrotum62
毒性皮炎 dermatitis venenata63
药物疹及荨麻疹 Drug Eruption and Urticaria65
固定性药疹 fixed drug eruption65
中毒性表皮坏死松解症 toxic epidermal necrolysis67
血管性水肿 angioedema68
药疹(扁平苔鲜型) drug eruption-lichen planus type70
药疹(剥脱性皮炎型) drug eruption-exfoliative dermatitis type71
丘疹性荨麻疹 urticaria papulosa72
结缔组织病 Connective Tissue Diseases73
局限性硬皮病 scleroderma circumscriptum73
系统性硬皮病 systemic scleroderma75
干燥综合征 sicca syndrome75
大疱性皮肤病 Bullous Dermatoses76
寻常型天疱疮 pemphigus vulgaris76
增殖型天疱疮 pemphigus vegelans78
大疱性类天疱疮 bullous pemphigoid80
瘢痕性类天疱疮 cicatricial pemphigoid82
家庭性良性慢性天疱疮 familial benign chronic pemphigus83
疱疹样皮炎 dermatitis herpetiformis85
儿童良性慢性大疱性皮病 benign chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood87
成人线状IgA大疱性皮病 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of adult88
疱疹样脓疱病 impetigo herpetiformis89
神经精神性皮肤病 Neurogenic and Psychogenic Dermatoses90
神经性皮炎 neurodermatitis90
阴囊瘙痒病 pruritus scrotum92
女阴瘙痒病 pruritus vulvae93
感觉异常 paresthesia94
角化性皮肤病 Keratodermatosis95
毛囊角化病 keratosis follicularis95
汗管角化症 sudokeratosis96
红斑及丘疹鳞屑性皮肤病 Erythematous and Papulosquamous Dermatoses97
多形红斑 erythema multiforme99
脱屑性红皮病 erythroderma desquamatosa99
扁平苔藓 lichen planus99
光泽苔藓 lichen nitidus102
硬化性萎缩性苔藓 lichen sclerosis et atrophicus103
寻常型银屑病 psoriasis vulgaris106
间擦性银屑病 intertrininous psoriasis109
尿布银屑病 napkin psoriasis110
连续性肢端皮炎 acrodermatitis continua111
毛发红糖疹 pityriasis rubra pilaris112
婴儿腹部远心性脂肪营养不良 lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis113
老年性女阴萎缩 senile atrophy of the vulva115
干燥性闭塞性龟头炎 balanitis xerotica obliterans115
皮肤血管炎及脉管性疾病 Cutaneous Vasculitis and Vascular Diseases117
变应性皮肤血管炎 allergic cutaneous vasculitis117
坏疽性脓皮病 pyoderma gangrenosum118
紫癜 purpura119
过敏性紫癜 allergic purpura120
白塞病 Behcet s disease121
慢性淋巴水肿 chronic lymphedema123
阴茎硬化性淋巴管炎 sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis125
皮肤附属器疾病 Diseases of the Skin Appendages126
脂溢性皮炎 seborrheic dermatitis126
Fox-Fordyce病 Fox-Fordyce disease128
色汗症 chromhidrosis129
血汗症 hematidrosis130
普秃 alopecia universalis130
内分泌、代谢及营养障碍性皮肤病 Endocrine,Metabolism and Dysnutrition Errors Dermatoses132
核黄素缺乏症 ariboflavinosis132
少毛症 hypotrichosis132
阴囊特发性皮肤钙沉着症 idiopathic calcinosis of scrotum134
黑棘皮病 acanthosis nigricans135
女阴疣状黄瘤 verruciform xanthoma of the vulvae136
播散性黄瘤 xanthoma disseminatum137
肠病性肢端皮炎 acrodermatitis enteropathica139
坏死松解性游走性红斑 necrolytic migratory erythema140
色素障碍性皮肤病 Disturbances of Pigmentation141
白癜风 vitiligo141
外伤性白斑 traumatic leukoderma144
局限性癌前黑变病 melanosis circumscripta precancerosa Dubreuilh145
多发性斑状色素沉着症 pigmentation macularis multiplex146
遗传性皮肤病 Hereditary Cutaneous disorders146
板层状鱼鳞病 lamellar ichthyosis146
性联鱼鳞病 ichthyosis sex-linked147
遗传性血管性水肿 hereditary angioedema149
营养不良性大疱性表皮松解症 epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica150
神经纤维瘤病 neurofibromatosis151
色素失禁症 incontinentia pigmenti152
遗传性淋巴水肿 hereditary lymphedema153
皮肤囊肿 Skin cysts154
皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst154
粟丘疹 milium155
阴茎中线囊肿 median raphe cyst of the penis156
前庭大腺囊肿 Bartholin s cyst157
黏膜疾病 Diseases of the Mucous Membranes158
黏膜白斑病 leukoplakia158
黏膜白色海绵痣 nevus spongiosus mucosae161
浆细胞性龟头炎 plasma-cell balanitis162
浆细胞性女阴炎 plasma-cell vulvitis163
急性浅表性龟头炎 acute superficial balanitis163
环状糜烂性龟头炎 circinate erosive balanitis165
云母状和角化性假上皮瘤性龟头炎 micaecous and keratotic pseudo-epitheliomatous balanitis166
寻常性龟头炎 balanitis vulgaris167
单纯性女阴炎 vulvitis simplex168
非特异性女阴炎 non-specific vulvitis169
细菌性阴道病 bacterial vaginosis170
月经性黏膜溃疡 ulcers mucosa menstrualis172
阴茎海绵体硬结症 plastic induration of the penis173
Fordyce病 Fordyce s disease173
复发性坏死性黏膜腺周围炎 periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens175
梭菌螺旋体病 fusospirochetosis176
脂溢性角化病 seborrheic keratosis177
皮肤肿瘤 Epidermal Tumors177
疣状痣 verrucosus nevus178
皮角 cutaneous horn180
Bowen病 Bowen s disease181
增殖性红斑 erythroplasia of Queyrat183
乳房外Paget病 extramammary paget s disease185
阴茎癌 carcinoma of penis189
女阴癌 carcinoma of vulva191
女阴假性湿疣 pseudocondyloma of vulvae192
珍珠状阴茎丘疹 pearly penile papules193
软纤维瘤 soft fibroma195
皮肤纤维瘤 dermatofibroma196
瘢痕疙瘩 keloid198
单发性生殖器平滑肌瘤 solitary genital leiomyoma199
脂肪瘤 lipoma200
硬化性脂及肉芽肿 sclerosing lipogranuloma200
皮脂腺痣 sebaceous nevus201
多发性脂囊瘤 steatocystoma multiplex202
顶泌汗腺汗囊瘤 apocrine hidrocystoma204
乳头状汗腺瘤 hidradenoma papilliferum205
透明细胞汗腺瘤 clear cell hidradenoma206
巨痣 giant pigmented nevus208
色素痣 pigmented nevus209
蓝痣 blue nevus210
原位恶性黑素瘤 malignant melanoma in situ211
侵袭性恶性黑素瘤 invasive malignant melanoma212
萎缩性皮肤病 Atrophic Dermatoses214
毛细血管瘤 capillary hemangioma214
血管角皮瘤 angiokeratoma215
海绵状血管瘤 cavernous hemangioma216
局限性动静脉瘘 localized arteriovenous fistula217
血管球瘤 glomus tumor219
老年性血管瘤 senile angioma220
化脓性肉芽肿 pyogenic granuloma221
淋巴管瘤 lymphangioma223
生殖器汗管瘤 genital syringoma225
淋巴瘤样丘疹病 lymphomatoid papulosis226
皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma228
蕈样肉芽肿 mycosis fungoides229
皮肤Hodgkin病 Hodgkin s disease of skin231
皮肤白血病 leukemia cutis232
帕杰特样网织细胞增生症 pagetoid reticulosis232
包皮系带旁腺增生 parafrenal glands hyperplasia233
内脏癌皮肤淋巴转移 cutaneous and lymph node metastasis from visceral carcinoma234
颗粒细胞瘤 granular cell tumor235
性传播疾病 Sexually Transmitted Diseases236
梅毒 syphilis236
淋病 gonorrhea247
非淋菌性尿道炎 non-gonococcal urethritis251
生殖器疱疹 genital herpes253
软下疳 chancroid256
尖锐湿疣 condyloma acuminatum260
巨大性尖锐湿疣 giant condyloma acuminatum266
腹股沟肉芽肿 granuloma inguinale269
性病性淋巴肉芽肿 lymphogranuloma venereum270
艾滋病 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome272
性病疑病症 hypochondriasis of sexual transmitted disease275
其他 Miscellaneous276
外生殖器外伤 extragenital trauma276
尿道裂 bifid urethra277
尿道肉阜 urethral caruncle278
尿道口狭窄 urethrostenosis278
包茎 phimosis279
嵌顿包茎 paraphimosis280
包皮过长 redundant prepuce281
皮肤垢着病 cutaneuous dirtadherent disease282
精索静脉曲张 varicocele283
外痔 extemal hemorrhoids283
子宫脱垂 prolapse of uterus284
皮肤子宫内膜异位 cutaneous endometriosis284
生殖器会阴裂缝先天性窦道及囊肿 congenital sinuses and cysts of the genitoperineal raphe286
局限性肠炎 regional enteritis286
女阴-阴道- 齿龈综合征 vulvo-vaginal-gingival syndrome287
西蒙-席汉综合征 Simmonds-Sheehan syndrome288
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