

  • 岳玉庆主编 著
  • 出版社: 青岛:青岛出版社
  • ISBN:9787543640467
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:211页
  • 文件大小:32MB
  • 文件页数:220页
  • 主题词:英语课-中学-课外读物


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1.A Touching Speech 动人的话1

2.Taekwondo Tournaments in Heaven 天堂里的跆拳道比赛2

3.Bad News 坏消息3

4.The Dropping Lizard 失足的蜥蜴4

5.The Dog and the Leopard 狗和豹子6

6.The Well-dressed Lawyer and the Redneck 衣着考究的律师和乡下人8

7.A Duck in a Convenience Store 逛便利店的鸭子11

8.Christmas Shopping 圣诞节购物13

9.How to Catch a Monkey 如何捕捉猴子14

10.Eskimo Wolf Hunters 爱斯基摩猎狼者16

11.The Donkey 驴子18

12.The Longevity of the Man 人的寿命20

13.Family Tree 家谱22

14.The Villager and the Professor 村民和教授24

15.No E-mail Account 没有电子信箱26

16.Tough Test 艰苦测试28

17.Dead Men Do Bleed 死人确实流血29

18.A Serious Patient 严重的病人31

19.Jumping Out 跳伞32

20.Say Cheese 说“茄子”34

21.Posh Spice and Beckham 高贵辣妹和贝克汉姆36

22.Senile Golfer 老年高尔夫球手38

23.Piss in the Boat 船里撒尿40

24.All in the Family 都是一家人42

25.Wrong Question 问错的问题44

26.Freezing Cold 好冷啊46

27.Sunday Closed 星期天不开47

28.A Free Ride 免费搭车48

29.Pepper Shaker 胡椒粉摇罐50

30.Kidnapping a Child 绑架孩子52

31.Fried Eggs 煎蛋53

32.Young Emperor 年轻的皇帝55

33.The Talkative Turtle 多嘴多舌的龟57

34.My Mouth Killed Me 祸从口出59

35.The Milk 牛奶61

36.Spider and Turtle 蜘蛛和龟63

37.Wild Goose Out of Sight 大雁飞走了65

38.A Lesson for the Innkeeper 店主的教训67

39.The Phantom 幽灵69

40.The Honeybee's Sting 蜜蜂的刺71

41.The Fisherman and the Thief 渔夫和贼72

42.The Little Basket Maker 会编篮子的小孩73

43.Everyone Thinks His Children Are the Best 谁都认为自己的小孩最好75

44.The King and the Dervish 国王和托钵僧77

45.Saving the Moon 拯救月亮79

46.A Close Call 侥幸脱险80

47.How the Wolf Lost His Tail 狼是怎么丢掉尾巴的82

48.The Slap 打耳光84

49.The Traveler and the Nut Tree 旅客和坚果树86

50.The Monkey and the Pea 猴子和豌豆87

51.The Smuggler with a Donkey 牵毛驴的走私犯88

52.Cat Woman 猫女90

53.Why Turtles Live in Water 为什么龟生活在水里91

54.The Happy Sack 快乐的袋子93

55.The Zebra's Apparel 斑马的衣服95

56.Gemsbok and Ostrich 好望角大羚羊和鸵鸟97

57.The Three Figurines 三个小雕像99

58.The Sleepy Man Enters Heaven 瞌睡虫进天国101

59.The Clown Sees the Doctor 小丑看医生103

60.The Story of the Two Lights 两盏灯的故事105

61.Which One Should Eat the Bread? 谁应该吃面包107

62.Clever Decision of the Sage 圣人的决定109

63.The Importance of Knowing More Languages 懂得多种语言的重要性111

64.The Bees and the Tortoise 蜜蜂和乌龟113

65.An Ungrateful Serpent 忘恩负义的毒蛇115

66.The Leopard's House 豹子的房子117

67.The Ungrateful Tiger 忘恩负义的老虎119

68.The Man and His Pigeon 男人和鸽子121

69.Mississippi Mosquitoes 密西西比河的蚊子123

70.Sheep Herder's Lawsuit 牧羊人的诉讼125

71.You Can't Get Out 你不能出去127

72.The Blue Hen's Chicks 蓝母鸡的小鸡129

73.The Crows Are in the Corn 乌鸦在吃玉米130

74.He Understands 他明白了132

75.How a Dead Father Came Back to Life 父亲是如何死而复生的134

76.Yellowhammer 金翼啄木鸟136

77.The First Tears 第一次流泪138

78.The Gulls 海鸥140

79.The Banquet 盛宴142

80.Class,Lass and Ass 班级、情人和蠢驴144

81.Buying New Shoes 买新鞋子145

82.The Drinker 酒鬼146

83.Looking for Me 在找我148

84.A Gorgeous Young Redhead 年轻漂亮的红发女郎151

85.At Night 在晚上152

86.A Mini Car 迷你小汽车154

87.The Man in the Moon 月亮上的人156

88.The Peacock and the Tortoise 孔雀和乌龟158

89.Crooked Jackal 狡诈的豺160

90.Secret for a Long Life 长寿秘诀162

91.Paying a Handsome Price for a Swift Steed 千金买死马163

92.Keeping One's Word 遵守诺言165

93.The Sweet and Sour of Life 人生苦乐167

94.No Time for Sight-Seeing 没时间游览169

95.It's Only a Matter of Practice 熟能生巧171

96.Unusual Echoes 不同寻常的回音173

97.The Man Who Loved Bread 爱吃面包的人175

98.The Servant's Ruse 仆人的诡计177

99.The Three Runners 三人跑步179

100.Chicken Feed 鸡饲料181

101.A Well-known Miser 吝啬鬼的想法183

102.Why Cats Chase Rats 猫为什么追老鼠186

103.Force of Habit 习惯成自然188

104.Wish List 愿望190

105.Why Crows Are Black? 乌鸦为什么是黑色的193

106.The Obstacle in Our Path 路上的障碍195

107.The Brick 砖头197

108.The Four Wives 四个妻子200

109.Puppies for Sale 待售的小狗204

110.Flower in the Desert 沙漠中的花朵206

111.The Chicken 鸡208

112.Butterfly 蝴蝶210
